Catalan Association of Classical Music Interpreters

Catalan Association of Classical Music Interpreters

The new website of the Catalan Association of Classical Music Interpreters (ACIMC), a non‑profit trade union created over 30 years ago to defend the professional interests of interpreters and teachers of classical music in Catalonia, represented an important challenge.


Catalan Association of Classical Music Interpreters

Year of creation

Project scope


We started with an existing website that presented various issues—many stemming from its age—in terms of design, usability, and accessibility.

The result was a far more usable, accessible, and dynamic website that allowed the dissemination of the association’s main activities: InformeACIMC, ImpulsACIMC, Reintèrprets, Training, and the new podcast Classificats. Moreover, the platform incorporated a much more complete member profile where, as a novelty, videos, Spotify playlists, and an image gallery could be added. A well‑structured homepage was also designed, featuring the most up‑to‑date news and providing direct, rapid access to organized activities, thus facilitating transversal navigation through a carefully curated array of content.

In structural terms, the design of the pages was conceived with horizontal variability in mind to adapt to any device and with a responsive approach, as well as enabling easy editing of content by ACIMC—one of the project’s key requirements, given the constant production of news and activities.

Associació Catalana d’Intèrprets de Música Clàssica (ACIMC)
Associació Catalana d’Intèrprets de Música Clàssica (ACIMC)
Associació Catalana d’Intèrprets de Música Clàssica (ACIMC)
Associació Catalana d’Intèrprets de Música Clàssica (ACIMC)

To ensure comfortable reading, with clear contrast between headings and body text while minimizing vertical scrolling, we opted for a typographic scale of 1.125 Major Second and worked with 20‑px texts to guarantee a comfortable and accessible reading experience.

Regarding typography, although the original corporate identity used the Avenir font, we chose Nunito Sans for the body text and display PP Fragment for the headings, thus achieving a balance between elegance and functionality.

In terms of color, the palette was based on the tones of the ACIMC logo: we decided to use violet as the primary color for links and buttons, applying orange tones sparingly and complementing them with muted shades to guarantee the necessary contrast for good accessibility.

With this approach, the new ACIMC website greatly improved user experience and SEO, becoming a key tool for showcasing the association’s services and projects, and demonstrating a firm commitment to innovation and quality in its digital communication.