Webs for the Florists Guild


Webs for the Florists’ Guild

Templates and the development of web pages for the Florists’ Guild of Catalonia.

Gremi Floristes webs | Ideamatic

The Florists’ Guild of Catalonia commissioned us to produce a project for developing templates in WordPress with or without an online store so that its members could digitise their florist stores easily and simply.

The initial templates are personalised using the florist’s image to adapt each one to each store’s style. The online store was personalised for the type of product sold, designed not only with the end-user in mind but also so that the selling process would be simple for the florist’s.

Gremi Floristes webs | Ideamatic
Gremi Floristes webs | Ideamatic
Gremi Floristes webs | Ideamatic

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