Consulting, training, digital projects

Digital transformation: digitisation of processes and organisations

The world has become very complicated, and so have our companies and organisations. Our processes are inefficient and our organisations are saturated. The proliferation of ICT means that we can all be part of the problem or part of the solution, which involves the digital transformation of companies.

Do you need help to simplify, streamline and digitise your projects?

There are a great number of ways of understanding the digital transformation and change management in the digital era. Some people think that it is all about making a huge intranet or doing corporate training in social media. Others even think that it is a matter of making an inventory of all the steps imaginable for any process and then posting a huge PDF on the intranet (and tweeting it).

Ideamatic, on the other hand, thinks that the digital transformation  is all about listening, designing and digitally implementing the new forms of relationship between people inside an organisation. The digital revolution is not a passing fashion that tangentially touches our companies, organisations and universities. Quite the opposite: the digital revolution radically transforms the way that people, machines and communities manage our activities. Digitally, other processes are possible!

And you may wonder: How can we put all these fine-sounding words that sound like heavenly music into practice?  Well, there are three ingredients:

Corporate ethnography or techno-anthropology, to understand the real objectives of people, processes and organisations.

By applying design thinking methodologies in the prototyping and functional design processes and relationship patterns between people and digital devices.

By choosing the most suitable technologies or creating the necessary applications, apps and collaborative virtual environments from scratch.

Would you like us to reimagine, with you, your organisation and make it more digital, more efficient and more ideamatic?

Digital transformation and training projects